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Author: Gabrielle Bridges

Freestyle Vs Pre-Choreographed

Freestyle Vs Pre-Choreographed

Walk into most gyms these days and you will see fitness classes going on. There are strength based classes involving weight equipment, aerobics, circuits, boxing, aqua and mind body spirit just to name a few. Some are pre-choreographed and some are freestyle. What is the difference? Pre-choreographed classes have been put together over a couple of months by a head choreographer. Each track has a specific focus, whether it be the body part being worked or the type of exercise…

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Beware of the Facebook Scams

Beware of the Facebook Scams

One thing I am constantly finding on my Facebook wall are posts claiming that if I “like” or “comment” or “share” the post I will win a Disney Cruise, a free round-the-world flight on Jetstar, a Mercedes convertible or an expensive diamond necklace. Here is a tip: if you have been tempted to give it a go, DON’T. The Facebook page making these ludicrous claims is a fake site that has been set up by scammers who are looking to phish…

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Most Commonly Asked Fitness Questions and My Responses

Most Commonly Asked Fitness Questions and My Responses

Being a group fitness instructor I am often asked for advice. The people asking are from all walks of life, but they questions are very similar. So here are my most asked questions and the answers I give: 1. How do I loose fat from around my belly? Exercise alone will not remove fat from around your belly. There is an old saying that “abs are made in the kitchen” which is so true. It’s mostly a clean diet that…

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The Importance of Water

The Importance of Water

One of the most important requirements of the human body is water. We require this to maintain hydration in the body. Water helps the body regulate body temperature, keeps the mind alert and lifts energy levels by keeping our brain and all other internal organs swimming along nicely (metaphorically speaking). The amount of water each individual requires daily varies based on level of activity, body weight and organ function. They say in general, the average adult human should drink about 2 litres of water a day….

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My Fitness Hero

My Fitness Hero

Often I am asked who my fitness hero is. My biggest fitness hero is a lady by the name of Lisa Osborne. She is the “boss lady” of Les Mills Body Attack which is one of the programs I teach and she is basically the person who chooses the music and puts the choreography of the program together. Lisa almost 50 years old and has been involved in the fitness industry for many years. She started out as a PE teacher and…

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